The skin is a key organ of the human body and provides many vital functions. On a more subtle level, it plays the role of both border and link with the outside world, like an antenna that can transmit and receive. It is one of the centers of emotional expression, it manifests what cannot be expressed with words. It reflects the mirror of the soul and sometimes unconscious wounds that are expressed through skin problems (acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc.).
It therefore has a symbolic function, as demonstrated by the French language and its many expressions: sometimes the human being " feels good about himself ", or on the contrary " on the surface ", and he might not hesitate to "risk his skin" to survive. And then, in certain situations, it is necessary to have the " thick skin ", not to be too " ticklish " compared to some criticisms, even if on reflection it can "ruffle feathers" and " itch " to answer without mincing words.
The skin is also subject of traditions. For example, many religions do not allow people to enter a place of worship wearing a skirt or tank top. They see it as disrespectful.
Nudity is still the subject many taboos, carnal element, fruit of desire… The taste of skin differs from one person to another. The skin goes beyond divisions and conflicts, goes beyond racism and its palette of colors, it seeks to mix and create ever more diversity...
On a more scientific side, the skin constitutes the envelope protective of the body and covers its entire surface. In the average adult, its surface area varies between 1.2 and 2.2 m² and its weight is approximately 4 kg, or 7% of total mass. It is therefore one of the largest and heaviest organs in the body. In addition, the skin is formed of two distinct parts: the epidermis and the dermis. Under the latter, is located the hypodermis. It connects the skin to the subcutaneous tissues, it is called superficial fascia or subcutaneous tissue (1) (2).
The skin is also the first line of body defense against external aggressions. It has many functions : protection, thermoregulation, skin sensations, blood reservoir or even metabolic and excretory functions (1).
Skin rashes, redness, itching, changes in odor often appear when we are subjected to more stress, uncomfortable emotions, poor quality sleep, an unbalanced diet… Our skin is sending us messages and invites us to look at what is happening inside us.
In naturopathy, the skin is considered as an emunctory, whose function is to evacuate toxins (endogenous in nature, the body produces them) and toxic substances (exogenous in nature, come from outside). Toxins can be of mucosal origin (glues), i.e. fat-soluble waste (3) evacuated by the lungs, skin and intestines, or of crystalloid origin (crystals), water-soluble waste (4), evacuated by the kidneys, skin and intestines. More precisely, the skin evacuates crystals via the sweat glands and sweat, and glues via the sebaceous glands and sebum.
The main areas of work of the naturopath will be:
- To struggle against against chronic stress And rebalance emotions
– Prioritize a diet anti-inflammatory and sufficient hydration
– Detoxify and support the systems digestive and hepatic
– Stimulate the skin through perspiration thanks to to physical activity or even the sauna / hammam
– Take care of your skin naturally thanks to natural and organic cosmetics
During a naturopathic assessment, we take stock of your needs and adapt the advice according to your lifestyle and preferences.
1. Marieb EN, Hoehn K. (2019). Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11th edition. Editions du renouveau pédagogique, Montreal
2. Drey, D. (2022). Making peace with your skin, LAROUSSE, Spain
3. Liposoluble: soluble in fats, oils
4. Water soluble: soluble in water